FCG are pleased to announce that Professor Rodger Fernandez, Professor Murray Gerkens, Associate Professor Dominic Yau and Ms Sherene Ozyurek have released the July 2020 edition of the Australian Migration Legislation Collection. This book comprises a selection of key legislation and legislative instruments relevant to immigration law in Australia. Intended primarily for students, the work will also provide a useful and pertinent point of reference for legal practitioners and migration agents.
It also contains two Chapters: Introduction to Australian Migration Law and Introduction to Visa Application Procedures. Drawing on their many years of experience as migration lawyers at FCG Legal and migration law lecturers at Victoria University, the authors have created an easy-to-use resource for migration law students and practitioners alike.
Copies of the new collection can be purchased through the Nexis Lexis Online Store.
As part of a campaign to suppress the number of illegal immigrants and people with lawful visas holding limited or no rights to work – such as students and holders of business short stay visas – being employed in Australia, the legislature enacted the Migration Amendment (Employer Sanctions) Act 2007 which amended the Migration Act 1958 (Cth). It is designed to make employers criminally liable for hiring illegal workers in Australia. These provisions were initially introduced in 2007 and subsequently amended in 2013 in accordance with the Migration Amendment (Reform of Employer Sanctions) Act 2013.
The Migration Act 1958 (Cth) (the ‘Act’) is an extremely complicated piece of legislation which may confront the unwary lawyer, accountant and migration agent with serious regulatory problems. The LIJ Article Passport to an Ethical Dilemma (2004) 78(11) LIJ, p62 outlined some of these problems. This article enumerates some even more serious issues.